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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pictures 2 and 3 and one just for fun.

These were inspired by the demolition of my bathroom. I wanted to work on my lighting /flash use. I brought in a lamp from my living room and at one point had my hubby tilting it over the tub. It was a fun shoot. Here is some more information about my 100 possibilities project.

Picture #2

Picture #3

One just for fun
(That is what happens when the heat comes on)

What the bathroom looks like now
(notice the lamp in the mirror)
I'm removing tiles around all of the edges so that I can easily cut out the drywall. Wallpaper is coming down tomorrow between help from Jackie and my hubby. Who BTW still doesn't know when he is leaving for NC.


Anonymous said...

Megan S - I like pic # 3:)

Anonymous said...

Holly W - i really dig the first and second pictures...i really like how you placed the shoes on the towel rack.

clopidogrel tablet said...

Food is never for fun. Listen to “a meal just for fun”, reveal the story of older wives. Need to be introduced into solids around the month.