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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

100 Possibilities Project

I'm excited and nervous for this one. I'm starting a photography challenge! I read about it on the i heart faces blog, and loved the demo pics. I can only dream that mine will look like that. But after a few days of consideration I finally picked my object that I will be, my wedding shoes!!!
This btw is not one of mine it is one of the wedding photographers, but I will be posting mine shortly (hopefully.) I'm excited I hope I learn a lot about my camera and the real way to use it!!


Jackie said...

Oh yay you are doing this. I will be still following blogger to keep up with blogs but just keeping my project on Facebook.

Abby said...

I love this project!! We have lots in common. looking forward to getting to know you.

P.s. i love your blog design.

Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

Awesome! I am getting slightly addicted to photography. I am excited to see more of your project!