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Friday, November 14, 2008


So I joined a Bible Study while I'm down in Iowa and I'm really excited about it. The topic is Romans which is great, and the girls are nice too. I thought since it was on a Thursday night it would bring some consistency to my spiritual life (since I bounce between Iowa and Minn on Sundays) and I was just excited to go through Romans!

So here is where I need some help, I'm not always the best at preparing for Bible study. I'm better than I used to be but still not great. So from now on I'm going to post my revelations and summery of the chapter (or verse section) we are going through that week. So that means this Wednesday, Nov 19th, I will be reporting on Romans chapter 6.

1 comment:

Clint said...

good idea, have fun with romans: its freakin great! :)