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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Long time no Type

Well I kinda stopped blogging when I got my new job but we go again.

I know a lot of people think I fell off the planet after I stopped updating Marks health blog so I'm going to change the point of this blog from solely green things to just my life in general (which happens to be somewhat green.)

So here is the last few months in a nut shell:
I'm currently in Iowa living near the family. I work for a really cool company that does interpreting via video phone. They are amazingly flexible with my schedule so that really helps since I keep driving back up to Minnesota. Why you may ask, well to visit my boyfriend. I realize this may be a shocker for some of you but God has blessed me with a truly amazing man who, loves me, looks out for me, and somehow understands what I went though with Mark.

While I'm down in Iowa I get a very interesting experience. My mom jokes that we are just trying to be the next evening sitcom. I live next door to my parents (literally) and my brothers fiance lives with me and my brother lives with my parents (until their wedding next June.) It has been a lot of fun, and pretty crazy, but that's just how we are.

Well that's it in a nutshell.

Still in HIS Grip,

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