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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This blog is carbon neutral!

How cool is that?

I've seen this logo on a few blogs and to be honest I always thought it was a little crazy. I mean who would pay to offset the minor emissions of a blog? Well yesterday I finally clicked on one of them to see what was going on and turns out its a pretty cool program...and its free! (oh and blog emissions aren't so minor)

Ok so here is whats going on. The Plumas national forest in northern California was destroyed by lightning strikes and a moon light fire. The Arbor Day Foundation (a non-profit conservation and education organization) has the goal helping reforest 5,500 acres of Plumas National Forest with 792,000 trees. They are working together with the "My Blog is carbon neutral initiative" as the US partner.

For every blog that posts about the initiative they will plant a tree in this devastated forest. The reduction of carbon emissions of one tree is approximately 11 lbs per year. The carbon emissions of a blog with 15,000 hits a month is 8 lbs per year. Since I have along ways to go before I hit 15,000 hits a month I'm in the clear and my blog become carbon natural!

Want to make your blog carbon neutral its easy!

1. Write a blog about the project

2. Click here pick a button and add it to your blog

3. Email with a link to your blog.

That's it.

PS check out this great giveaway from Tatortots and Jello:

1 comment:

PotterGrl said...

I'm glad you joined in! I love that it's an easy and free way to help out :)