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Friday, April 23, 2010

To: Amber age 12

Dear Amber age 12

Life is hard, but there is no avoiding the hurts because they are what make you into who you are.

You will be teased for what you believe, but this will just strengthen your beliefs.
You will struggle at school but that will make success even more sweet.
You will be told you can't, just to prove that you can.
You will fall in love, marry young, and lose your husband to cancer, and you will survive.
You will start life all over again and find that there is more love for you than you can imagine.

You will find a man that you love.
You will find a job that you love.

But best of all you will find yourself.

~Amber age 26
This picture perfectly showes my past (angel wing tattoo) and my future (hubby) and myself (colorful flowers.)

I wrote this letter to myself as an entry in to a project for Janae on the blog Pink Moss. Read more about the idea, the instructions, and the response on her blog.

1 comment:

Holly Renee said...

Beautiful. It gave me chills. The last part, where you wrote the line about finding yourself was heart warming and perfect!