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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughts on Thursday

"Don't give them leftovers"

Your spouse is the one you love, the one you chose to marry and spend your life with. They are the one you can't imagine your life without, and they always get the short end of the stick. We come home from work tired and crabby and since they are our family they can just deal with it....

Huh? Shouldn't this be the person we are trying our hardest for? Why do those we love get our leftovers?
I know this is hard and there are going to be those days, but we should be giving them as much as we can as often as we can. However, remember there is such a thing as giving to much and exhausting yourself, but I would guess that is not a problem for most Americans.
So lets try to be our best at home and not give our family our leftovers.
*I've got 2 weeks grace on this while my hubby is out of town for work, but you get busy :)*
Oh and here is my inspiration for this blog from Living, Learning and Loving Simply.


Megan said...

Very true. We often take for granted what wonderful companions we have. It's time to be uplifting toward our spouse instead of giving them our "leftovers!"

Aimee said...

Thanks for linking to me Amber! It makes me sad that I can overlook the ones dearest to me...working on it! :)