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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blog Happy

I'm starting to realize how happy blogging makes me. Friday morning I started a little down, but by the end of going through my feed reader I was smiling and excited for the day. My blog community inspires, challenged. provokes thoughts, encourages, and keeps me in contact with old friends and new. I like that I can share my thoughts, ideas, hints and progress to anyone who cares.

I love discovering new blogs and then sharing them with all of you so that you can love them too. I've found friends that I haven't spoken to in years and friends I'd forgotten completely about.

My friend Sara's blog was the major inspiration for me going green(er) and my crazy healthy eating (not always but it has improved dramatically.) She is the one who started me on green smoothies and the reason I'm going raw for 3 weeks. Through her blog I've connect to so many others to help me along this journey. I'm discovering myself and who I want to be.

My life up until now has always been controlled by some outside force (good and bad) Being young, parents, school, cancer....but now nothing just God, me, hubby and Cooper. I've learned so much until now I've loved and I've lost but I've never truly figured out me. But I am now, and I like it. I've always been a little different and that hasn't changed, it is just defined now.

I'm working on putting it into words (not my greatest strength which is funny for a blogger) and will share it as soon as I do.


queenie said...

dear amber,

so fun to see you~

blogging is wonderful

cheers~tracy chapman

Jody and Mark said...

Just keep working on that figuring out you. You're on the right trail!