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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bathroom closet madness

How many of you have shelves that look like this in your linen closet?

Yeah those are mine...yikes. Notice there is no room for towels. Ok it is a little extra bad because we still don't have the bottom shelf in from the bathroom demolition (why you may ask? I have no idea I'm putting it back tonight!)

So here is the project I've been working on for a long time, use this stuff up!

I'm to the point of using one dedicated shampoo/soap/lip gloss/whatever till its gone just so I can get rid of something but they are everlasting!!!

I honestly can't tell you the last time I bought lotion, oh ok yes I can it was last March because I needed a certain brand after my new tattoo.) But other than that the only thing I've bought is lip gloss because I use a lot of the CG Bigalow stuff during the winter. My SIL just got me a few more so I should be set for summer!

This is part of my attempt to lessen the clutter in my house and I've moved these items with me between 3 homes and that is enough!

I want to de clutter my life, so bad I've tried a few different ways but its all baby steps and that is ok. I don't want to open my closet and have to take a deep breath before looking for something. I like organization and its just not possible with this much stuff!

What are you doing to pair down in your home?
My next project is to figure our greener alternatives to replace these items with once they are finally used up. If anyone has suggestions for body soap that won't over dry the skin, shampoo for oily hair and a good natural lotion let me know! Extra bonus would be to have it the Minnesota area so that I could buy local.

Just for fun here is the new tattoo it says my hubby's name in Korean.

1 comment:

Bec said...

We get all kinds of freebies at work that I never use so some of my coworkers had a great idea- on products you haven't used, place them in your work bathroom for others to have. Or you can take in some extra lotions you don't think you need and place a sign that says free to use! Good way to get rid of stuff without feeling guilty ;) I just give them away. I'm sure my friends will get sick of it too at some point :)