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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The wonder of craigslist and other things...

So I think by know you all now my favorite color is not pink, and that is the main reason I don't like my bathroom. However you never know who out in the crazy world is in love with pink. So just in case I posted my tile, tub, toilet, sink and such on craigslist last night before bed. Low and behold I had 5 e-mails about it when I woke up this morning! The tub, sink, and accessories have all been claimed! I'm just left (so far) with a toilet and tile! Plus the guy who is going to help me get the tub out is a metal recycler! And the Chick who wants the accessories is using them to re-finish her bathroom retro style. I'll ask her if I can post pics. Its pretty cute and much better than my all pink bathroom! I'm loving that these things will get reused or recycled instead of put in the land field.

So on to the 'other things' I was referring to. About two weeks ago I went to a great BBQ place with some friends and broke out the bamboo travel silverware for the first time in 'public.' The response was funny, a lot of people just asked why, a few thought it was cool and I was proud. It was funny. So far none of my friends thought I was 'crazy' green (I'm not but I'm working on it) but now they are starting to wonder, and I like it.

Random thought number 2, I have an interesting mind. I'm one of those people that if I have a plan in mind and it has to change (specifically regarding schedule) it really throws me off. So the other day my hubby found out he had to go on a last min business trip that will last between 2-4 weeks. Once I got over the initial shock I was cool with it and thought he was going to be leaving today. Not so now it may not be till this Friday or next Friday. You would think this would be good news but I'm kinda twisted up about it. I was ready for him to leave so that I could be ready for him to come back now its just putting off the inevitable. Grr.

Ok last random thought, I forgot my water bottle. I didn't want to go buy a plastic one but then a friend at work had a good idea. Go buy one and then keep it in the office empty for when I forget my bottle the next time I can just use it again. Thanks Hil! I know using the plastic ones over and over isn't advised but it won't be often and probably just in till I get a cheaper back up here. I don't want to leave one of my $20.00 Sigg bottles in the office.

Ohh and check out my SIL's blog


Bec said...

haha.... theihearblog would be more your style... mine is :)

Amber D said...

oops I fixed it!

Leslie Richman said...

Glad to have found your blog!

We lived in a house with a wild pink bathroom like that too- it even had a little chandelier and a bathing lady etched onto the shower door. Not my style, but fun nonetheless! I'm glad we bought a house with plain white bathrooms!

janumet 50mg said...

Thanks for your attention on the matter. I want to express my gratitude for everything that you’ve helped me achieve here.