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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Words

This is based off of another fun posting from the Pleated Poppy Check out her beautiful Family Rule board here:


Mine isn't 'polished' yet and I might change the bottom paper but I was so excited I wanted to show you guys. Here is my words to live by board:

Here is what I learned I learned while doing this, re-read the directions. I just sat down and started building it from memory. I like how my turned out but I wish I would have cut my strips a little shorter than the 9x12 inch canvas I bought. I painted underneath yellow and orange and I wish you could have seen that around the edge. Also it would have made it easier to adhere the paper. I like the embellishments I chose to do they look cool and I love the bold colors and different textures.

I also made this much more wallet friendly by using papers I already had on hand and bought a cheap canvas with a 40% off coupon from a local craft supply store. The quality of the canvas dosn't matter so much since you will be covering it and the coupon is especially important for larger versions of this canvas can get expensive, even the lower quality ones.


lindsey said...

Very cute'. I like the simplicity of the single words.

Leslie Richman said...

I love that board!