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Friday, January 8, 2010

Plans for the house (and the green things I hope to do)

So here are some of the upcoming plans for the house:

We want a rug for the TV room so the couch doesn't slide around anymore. I'm hoping to craigslist it and would love to find a sports themed one (without being too corny) since that is the theme we are going for (Wild, Twins, Vikes and Gophers.)

I'm going to redo the bar, instead of starting from scratch we are going to rip off the carpet and recover it and then we are going to cover the top of the bar with sports memorabilia. Speaking of which if you have any you would like to give me let me know!

The pink bathroom is going away!!! We are hoping to redo the cabinets instead of replace but all the tile will have to go. We are hoping to get the 'new' tile from the Re Store. Those are the immediate plans more to come.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Sounds like a good plan. As for Sports Memorabelia--I only have Packers items--which I am planning on keeping! =) No Vikes stuff in our place!