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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Going off grid for the weekends.

So I just realized that it might seem a little weird that I post for 2 or 3 days in a row and then disappear for a while....well that is exactly what I do.

During the weekends I try very hard not to become addicted to my computer or I would get nothing done. I barley even check my e-mail. It gets delivered to my phone but if its not an emergency I wait and deal with it during the work week. I'm one of those people that once I connect to the Internet I find every reason to stay connected.

Recently I've learned that I can post date my blog entries to be published on later days as well as just trying to spread out the ideas I have. I hope to have more consistent postings in the future.

Meanwhile I will continue to go 'off grid' for the weekends for my and my houses sanity.

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