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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thoughts on Thursdays

"New Year, New Marriage"
Its the end of 2009 and I'm excited for 2010! This is a time for new starts and resolutions so how about this one "I resolve to make my marriage better this year." This doesn't mean its bad now but it can always get better right? Here are some ideas:
1. Have a designated time a week of quality time together (my parents have been doing this for the past few years.)
2. Look through your marriage and make a plan to improve one thing (communication anyone?)
3. Study the Bible together.
4. Find a hobby you both like to do.
5. Go out on a 'real' date more often.
6. De clutter your lives from the need of stuff.
Anyone else have an idea or two?

1 comment:

Jody and Mark said...

I like all of your suggestions but presently we're into the "de-clutter"thing. SIMPLIFY. Why is it that even after we get something we keep looking at the same thing in the stores? Why do we always want the newer version? If we only have what we use and get rid of the rest there is less to keep clean, lose, break, and clutter up your home. Then there is more un-frustrated time to spend having fun with your spouse!