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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Learn from me, do your research

Ryan and I had a small tragedy not long after I moved up. Dutch my lovable wonderful 2 year old do, started acting weird. He was getting moody and protective. Ever the optimist I was convinced that he just wasn't adjusting well to the move and such. A while back he nipped at my Sister in Law Becky but I decided it was an isolated incident. Then months later while my In-laws were taking care of him he nipped at Ry's dad. Not cool he was starting to get more and more protective and would growl quite a bit (at everyone but me of course.) But I couldn't give up I wouldn't give up I have a deep connection to Dutch since he got me through some very hard times. We worked with him and tried to expose him to other dogs and people as much as possible, then his most accessible friends moved :(

We decided to get him a live in friend to help...we didn't do enough research not nearly enough. We got an adorable little Jack Russel terrier that we named Zoey, she was full of energy and great for Dutch, after a little getting to know you time they got along great even slept in the same bed. But then it happened Dutch nipped at one of the neighbor kids and scratched his finger. We can't have that it was his 3rd time nipping and he was growling as well. We weren't sure what to do we couldn't re-home him since he was getting aggressive but I couldn't stand the thought of putting him down. We started calling family to let them know what was going on and the 'other' in-law's said they would take him they didn't want us to put him down. We didn't have a choice.

Then we were left with just Zoey, on her own she was way to much for us, on her own. We took her on multiple walks played with her all the time but we just couldn't where her out It was hard to get anything done around the house, she needed a friend. With Dutch they would where each other out but alone we just couldn't keep up. So we had to make another hard decision and found her a new home.

So lesson learned do your research before getting a dog (we did with Dutch but not with Zoey) and avoid this heart break. Its bad for both the humans and the dogs and I've recently learned its the most common reason dogs go to the humane society. We are looking forward to another dog and WILL NOT have this happen again.

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