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Friday, November 13, 2009

Fear and Faith

So one of the major points of the book I'm reading is this, I do not need to fear making mistakes or being wrong, God already knows everything I've done and will do and he sent his Son to die for me. He still loves me I don't need to work for His approval and HIS approval is what matters.

Wow, it all makes sense its all stuff I've heard before but its never hit me like this I've never been receptive to this information before (thanks hubby for following your heart and God's prompting.) Here is a quote from the book that hit me today "Fear and faith can never be coequal. One will always dominate the other. The more you give yourself to fear the more difficult it is to experience faith in your life"

Here is a part of a song that reminds me of this:

Mac Powell - By His Wounds

He was pierced for our transgressions
And crushed for our sins
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him
And by His wounds, by His wounds we are healed

We are healed by Your sacrifice
And the life that You gave
We are healed for You paid the price
By Your grace we are saved
We are saved

He was pierced for our transgressions
He was crushed for our sins
The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him
And by His wounds, by His wounds we are healed
And by His wounds, by His wounds

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

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