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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My not so green hobby (With some green hints)

I love to scrapbook!

I like the memories, the creative outlet and everything else involved. I've recently even become a Creative Memories consultant to make this hobby a little more I'm about 2 years behind in my scrapbooking and need some major catch up time and that started on Saturday. Its amazing out therapeutic it can be.

My 'new' (through Ryan) cousins came over and we started her on her first ever album. She really enjoyed it and I got a few pages done myself. I can't wait to get my office all set up so I can really start working on it.

So I have found ways to make it a little more green (and save some green as well.) Here are a few hints to green up your scrapbooking:

1) Don't use a full 12x12 paper as a background of every page if you use a traditional type album.

2) When cutting a matt for a photo cut out the middle to use later (you wont see it behind the picture anyway.)

3) Photo tape is strong so limit how much you use.

4)Buy refills instead of whole new tape runners.

5) Review your photos before printing so that you only print what you need for the layout

That's all I can think of for now do any of you scrapbooker out there have any other ideas?

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