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Friday, April 10, 2009

Words to a song

I found these lyrics on a friends Facebook status this morning. To be honest I'm not even sure if I've heard the song before but I love the lyrics. I've been trying to find a song for the wedding and I'm having a hard time finding one that is lyrically strong AND Musically acceptable for a wedding. Plus it needs to have an accompaniment track and sound good with girls singing it...too many requirements. But never the less I like the lyrics to this song, and if you have any suggestions for the wedding let me know.

When the sun came up,
We were sleeping in.
Sunk inside our blankets,
Sprawled across the bed.
And we... were dreaming.

There are moments when,
When I know it ends.
The world revolves around us,
And we're keeping it,
Keep it all going,
This delicate balance,
Vulnerable, all knowing.

Sing like you think no one's listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
just a little bit,
You would kill for this.
Sing like you think no ones listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
just a little bit,
You would,
you would...

Sing me something soft,
Sad and delicate.
Or loud and out of key,
Sing me anything.
We're glad for what we've got,
Done with what we've lost.

Our whole lives laid out,
Right in front of us.

Sing like you think no one's listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
just a little bit,
You would
Sing like you think no one's listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
just a little bit,
You would,
you would

Sing me something soft,
Sad and delicate.
Or loud and out of key,
Sing me anything...

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