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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"I'm so excited..."

he he he, when I go home from work today Ryan is going to be there!!! What an amazing feeling, its really not fair. When I visit him (almost every other weekend) he has to work a shift on Sat and a short one on Sunday. He gets this feeling all the time. What an amazing feeling I can't wait till July and this gets to be my everyday feeling!

So here are a few other reasons I'm excited.
* The parents met this weekend (Ryans and mine) and it went great!
* We saw the house again I'm even more in Love now that alot of their stuff is down. Plus my Dad was impressed
* My Aunt is getting married to a great guy this weekend, she so deserves it.

Well thats all for me today hope your weeks are starting out as good as mine!


1 comment:

Jackie said...

Yay for all the good things that are happening for you. God is good!