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Thursday, April 23, 2009

How we met

I got to spend the first part of the week with Ryan! Monday we had off together and then Tuesday and Wednesday I only worked 5 hours!!! We did a little registering for our wedding, and some planning too. We are staying pretty on top of things but some stuff I just can't do until I'm actually there. Like flowers, those guys are too busy on the weekend for me to stop in and talk to them.

Some people have been asking me how Ryan and I met so here it is:

We actually met in 2007 at a Halloween party my friend held. He was a Secret Agent of some type suit and all. I was a Wild fan (hockey.) Well apparently that sparked some interest. In July 2008 (around his birthday) my friend Vesta threw him a birthday party and invited Tracy and I along to go mini golfing. After that the whole group went to Get Smart and Ryan and I spent the whole moving 'accidentally' bumping into one another. The rest as they say is history. We spent the next 2 weeks or so before I moved finding any excuse to hang out together. He came to my good bye party and we stayed up with two other friends until 2:00 in the morning playing Wii dodge ball. We also found time to go out to dinner with some friends and watch videos at their house. Once I moved we started e-mailing and calling each other. Both of us without telling the other were trying to find out if this was worth our time, and distance to persue. Well it was!

I soon found out that Ryan was an amazing Christian guy with a love of music and adventure.

Well hope that answers some of your questions, later.

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