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Thursday, April 2, 2009

5 cent rebate!

So more and more main stream places are starting to reward people for bringing their own bags! Co-ops and such have been doing this for a while now but now some chain stores are. Since I've moved here I've been getting a 5 cent per bag credit at Hy-Vee and just the other day Target did!!!!

So there you go another good reason to BYOB (bring your own bag.)

I can't help but wonder how long it will be before the reverse happens and people get charged per bag that the stores have to provide.

I can't wait till Wal-mart catches on to the fact that their little spinny bag holder thing is not BYOB friendly. That is the hardest place to use a cloth bag, they don't have anywhere to set it down and fill it up :(

Oh well life goes on.


Jackie said...

Hy that store. My sister is down in Iowa and I have a few relatives down there. That and Hobby Lobby are some places I like to go when I am down there.

The Aldi store here charges for bags...helps the store to save money. I use the store bags (Target and Wal Mart) for poo bags when we take Pretzel out!

Amber D said...

Gotta love Hobby Lobby its great for decorating your house and if its not on sale this week it will be on sale next week!