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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How are you? (1 year later)

I've gotten this question twice today already. So here it is, overall I'm Great, today I'm a little on edge. I'm actully doing quite well but I've noticed the little things are getting to me more than they noramaly do. To be honest I have a lot of things going around in my head but I'm really not in the mood to type right now. I don't know how to put my thoughts down on paper. Just know that I've been blessed over the last year and Mark is healed. I'll try to write more later...


So the reason I didn't want to type earlier is because I feel the need to write something 'insperational' and amazing for you all to read. But really its just life as normal (at least for my crazy world) around here, so I don't know what to tell you. Mark and I always took life one day at a time because that was all we were guarenteed. That is still how I live life, I can't go back and change the past and I'm happy with where God has brought me. I've learned many things and am much stronger than I was 4 years ago. I know this is a sad day but honestly, Mark would want us all to look to the future not the past. Remember him yes, but don't cling. Remember he was healed and that is all any of us had hoped. It may not be the way we wanted but how many times does God have to show us that his way is not ours and he knows what is best.

In HIS Grip,

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