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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'm new to all of this.

I'm learning but I'm new so I'm looking for some help from all of you Greenies out there.

First of all the basics my husband has health issues so there are some things I just can't do for various reasons:
Give up driving to work individually
Give up plastic entirely
and some more things I can't think of right now.

Here is what I'm looking for:

1)Ways for a 'city girl' to slowly change to a green girl

2)Healthy eco friendly snacks instead of my favorite Cheesy Chips

3) Ways to declutter my home

4) Ways to bring lunch to work that dosen't invlove plastic containers

I think thats a good start Please Help!


Matt Ashworth said...

If you ate lunch at breakfast, you could bring it to work in your belly! Eh?

Anonymous said...

Wow you make me smile!