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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

2nd Day on the Green Smoothie Challange

So I must admit, we are cheating a little on the white sugar thing, we have every intent on doing that part of the challenge however there is a lot of food in our pantry that neither of us intend to waste (pasta, a few leftover cookies, that kind of thing.) I'm hoping this leads to a long term change so we want to get these things out of the pantry not just save them for later. Plus it helps if we do this little by little its a drastic change for the hubby and its going to take some time for the body to get used to it.

I'm also going to slowly change the ratio of green:fruits in the smoothie. Right now I'm using more fruit than I normally would but I'll be progressively changing that ratio over the next few weeks.

So yesterday here was the recipe:
Large handful of spinach
Large Handful of Minnesota growing lettuce
2 Pears
1 Banana
1 Nectarine
4 Strawberries

More Spinach and Lettuce
1 Apple
6 Cherries (pitted)
6 Strawberries
2 Bananas (Ryan's fave)

Tell me if you have any good full flavor fruits you like to use.

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