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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mini makeover

I know a lot of you want to see my bathroom progress however I've decided that I want the hubby to be the first one to see it coming together. I will post Saturday afternoon after he gets home and sees it for himself.

So to tide you over I'm going to show you my mini makeover of the week. When we moved in to our house was in immaculate condition just not our style. One very obvious showing of that was the house numbers by our front door. I don't think I even need to explain just take a look:

So while I was looking at drawer hardware for the bathroom I spotted a new cost effective option for replacing it. I picked out the plaque and the numbers stuck them together and here you go:

It makes me smile every time I pull up to the house.

Just for fun here are the drawers out in the garage all primed and ready to be painted. I'm showing you this so you can see how beautiful it was outside this weekend and that all the snow is gone!

1 comment:

Jody and Mark said...

Fresh air while working is very good.