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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First raw day.

My first full raw day had a tough start I forgot my smoothie in the fridge. I know its not the best way but I make mine the night before and then re-blend in the morning. Well yesterday morning I forgot (I may have overslept just a little.) But I had a raw bar in my bag ready for such an occasion.
Anyhow I drank it this morning and as always yumm! Bananas, spinach, blueberries, apple and water de-lish. I really started with my supper last night I had a great veggie salad last night at Potbelly, while listening to two of my Friends sing at the restaurant. The salad had artichoke hearts in it, that is one of those things I never would of thought of on my own but they were great I'm going to have to go get some.

For lunch I had this amazing 'tuna' salad that Leslie mentioned to me. I took it to lunch with a whole tomato and then cut it up and ate it together it was great! However mine was a little salty I used some kiem (Korean word for seaweed) instead of kelp flakes,we had in the house and forgot it was pre salted. Oops. But it was good with the tomato to help tone it down. I know this isn't the greatest picture but its all I've got.

Last night we had a big family dinner and Korean food does not mix with a raw diet but it is fairly healthy. Since my goal was 2 meals a day raw I succeeded!!

I'm looking forward to bringing a raw strawberry pie to work next week for others to help me eat. I'm still looking for recipes to try. Oh I found one for a sun dried tomato pesto lettuce wrap the other day on one of your blogs and I can't find it again. HELP!

On a side note I just got my Posie pins from Pleated Poppy and they are soooo stinking cute!


Anonymous said...

you should check out she makes "posey badges" and they are SUPER adorable! Also, i just got my vegetarian times magazine for the month and it had like 4 or 5 raw recipes...i will have to make copies and get them to you! i thought of you when i read them, then something shiny crossed my view and i completely forgot to tell you.

~Holly W

Leslie Richman said...

Glad you liked the "tuna." I've made it several times with little changes every time and it's always yummy.

Casandra H said...

These look wonderful.... I've been trying to eat healthy and exercise and I have been pretty successful so far... baby steps.... I've been at the gym almost every day for the last couple of weeks and been doing really well watching what I'm eating... I've wondered about going raw but as I said baby steps.. I need to do some more reading... for myself.. not that I don't think it's good I just need to do the research for myself you know!! So thanks for sharing these things... it's encouraging!