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Friday, February 20, 2009

Say Something Wise...

I want to say something wise. I want to have a blog that people are interested in reading, not just gibberish. Problem is I don't always have something wise to say.

But guess what today I do!

Last night was a great night for my Bible Study. It dealt head on with a problem that most women have (fear) and one that I deal with a lot. We were reading the part of Esther where she goes to talk to the King even though she wasn't called into his presence. The penalty for that was death UNLESS the King reached out his golden scepter and granted a pardon.(Esther 4:11) She was scared of death, so scared that she almost missed her calling. This really hit home for me and luckily for me Beth Moore had the same revelation so she shared some in sites that really hit home. One of her thoughts that she was challanged with a while ago was this; what I.F. (I Fear. ) What is your worst fear? Mine is that I won't be able to have children naturaly and there is something 'wrong' with me (based on some past issues.) So then what happens....we go through infertility treatments, then we may or maynot get pregnant. Then what? If we get pregnant great, if not I cry A LOT. Then what? I go through a period of greiving. Then what? God picks me up off the ground and showes me that once again life goes on, Ryan and I have already talked about he possibility of adoption. Many of our friends are going through the process right now. God will provide! We just don't always know how or why.

I love this quote from Beth "If________ then God." The other thing that was pointed out to me last night was that God never says trust me to prevent that fear from happening, He simply says "Trust Me."

Think of your worst fear, walk through all the things that would happen, in the end you will notice the same thing I did, God will take care of you.

In HIS Grip,

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